Reblog from Fandango

On Saturday, May 25, 2024, 2:36 PM, This, That, and the Other <> wrote:

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Bits and Pieces — May 25, 2024


May 25

Just a few bits and pieces that I thought I might share with you today.

“A wonderful man”

Donald Trump appears to believe that Hannibal Lecter, the fictional character from the 1988 book by Thomas Harris and the 1991 adapted film “The Silence of the Lambs,” was a real person. During a rally in New Jersey, he referred to “the late, great” Hannibal Lecter as a “wonderful man” and even mentioned the iconic scene where Lecter says, “I’m about to have a friend for dinner.”

Does Trump seriously think that “Hannibal the Cannibal” Lecter was a real person? Who knows? But given that Trump often claims that he defeated Barack Obama in an election (it was Hillary Clinton he beat), calls Hamas “hummus,” and said that wind turbines were killing whales “in numbers never seen before,” one can never tell with Trump.

Making liberal heads explode

Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn, to whom Trump granted a pardon after Flynn had twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, is promoting a new real estate firm catering to Trump supporters.

The website for MAGA Realty promises that all employees and partner firms are “thoroughly vetted to ensure that they share our beliefs, so you can rest assured that you are working with fellow patriots who will strive to invest in and uphold a conservative America.” The website also guaranteed that no portion of its earned commissions will go to left-wing causes. But a portion of every sale will go to support the FIGHT LIKE A FLYNN PAC. “No American in modern times has given more to America and been attacked for doing so.

In addition, all MAGA Realty homebuyers will be gifted a 25-foot flagpole, and an AR-15 “to make liberal heads explode.” Seriously, that’s what their website says.

The law is what we say it is

According to political strategist Michael Podhorzer, 74-year-old Clarence Thomas and 76-year-old Samuel Alito, along with the four other Federalist Society-approved Supreme Court justices, know that a second Trump term would enable them to pass on their seats to equally MAGA justices, sealing their legacy on SCOTUS for a generation.

If even one of the three Democratic appointees had a health or other issue leading to an empty seat, Trump could make nominations that add up to a 7-2 Federalist Society majority, with John Roberts the only one over 60 years old. To that, add the additional hundreds of other Trump appointments to federal district and appeals courts. That would enshrine the new “the law is what we say it is” jurisprudence.

Thanks F!

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