Simply Six Minutes – Opposite View


Joe was no ordinary guy—he had a great job, lots of friends and a loving family. He couldn’t be more pleased with how his daily life was going. Joe always had a smile for the office coworkers, could tell a good joke at a party and assimilated well in any sports conversations even though he never actually participated in sports, even as a boy. His early childhood revolved around a doting grandmother who solved any problem with food. Feeling sad? Have a cookie! Feeling proud of your schoolwork? Your favorite dinner served. Grandma was a loving person and tried to make Joe feel proud of himself. This idea created a confident young man who could look in the mirror and see himself as a fit, handsome man. Everyone else saw the real man, but overlooked his size in favor of his warm personality.


Simply 6 Minutes – Welcome to the Challenge: 06/25/2024

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