FOWC: Prompt and Word of the Day: Exploring

My sister belongs to an ancestry site and keeps me up to date on the latest discovery. I watch Vikings on the History channel and when we found out we were related to Rollo and Ragnar, not even telling you about Longshanks–well our exploring explains a lot about some of our sometimes volatile personalities. Yes, I’ll take that excuse–my ancestors made me do it. Being a redhead wasn’t the only thing to blame, but it was.

Receiving an email today with the latest report delving into our past, my sister was prompted to send me the latest: our 7th great grandmother was accused of being a witch in, you’ve got it, Salem, Massachusetts, in 1683, convicted and jailed. She died in prison waiting to be executed. Family history can either bring you up or take you down.

What does that say about me, as a woman today? I prefer to think I’ve inherited strength, determination, and the ability to withstand whatever is put in front of me, and no, I do not back down. Whether that is good or bad, I guess the persons around me would have to tell you. Everyone has different personality traits. I want to be the best of mine and try to downplay some unpleasant ones. I sent the email on to my kids with the heading “Now you know”. After all, a sense of humor helps in all things.

Exploring – Word of the Day Challenge

FOWC with Fandango — Prompt

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