Sammiscribbles Weekend Writing Prompt

Sitting there in plain sight
A children’s treasure and delight
Holding surprises, hidden sights
Had a lock and key of course
Which the child’s mom always held close
A trunk sized cabinet with metal staves
Offered only on her child’s rainy days.

Weekend Writing Prompt #363 – Cabinet

MLMM Saturday Mix


(Lawyer’s comment in court of law)

Standing up in court

Stands a fool

Got his lawyer

From the available pool

He was guilty, there was no doubt

But thought a lawyer would figure out

Ways to get a sympathetic connection

To the judge by always saying “jection!”

The judge surprised, at this lack of decorum

Felt sorry for the guilty party’s forum

“Your OBjection,” the judge declared

“Was inappropriate and your client is spared…

Such flagrant use of an important word

Your client should fire you for being absurd!“


No Nonsense – Saturday Mix, 11 May 2024


All seemed quiet and peaceful on this winter night, with warm lighted windows and snow covered streets in a sleepy town. This was exactly what Megador was looking for; a quiet place he could set up shop. By day and to the naive townsfolk, he was Mr. Jolly Jones, and deceivingly used that name’s personality while in public. Megador believed his setup as a candy store manager would be accepted in this community and he was right. He turned a false front into a thriving business. His employees were all from his former gang, and recently free from incarceration to commit new atrocities with Megador. The township loved Jolly’s new sweet concoctions, advertised as using local healthy ingredients and of course a secret recipe. The recipe was from Megador’s past where he used psychotropic additives to enhance natural sweet addiction that candies contain. The local contributors included milk, corn, sugar beet derivatives and other natural products. Once most of the population was “hooked” and his business grew in extreme, he would move on to another unsuspecting community.


No Theme Thursday: 05/09/24

SoCS May 11, 2024

Loan me your ears she might have said

Her graduation “speech” was a thing of dread

It was her private lone compilation

Words offered as a declaration

Of personal regards to her every family member

No connection to the ceremony whatsoever

And then came a reader of the grad’s names

She must have been on some slowed down game

Dragging the names out in long succession, so maudlin

Then watched slowly for every grad’s master stoles they were cloaked in

I’m only glad I’m not there in person

Couldn’t stand it- would be worsen🙄


The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS May 11, 2024

Fandango’s Flashback Friday

What makes traditional Mexican fare worthy of such a distinction? You won’t find cumin soaked ground beef, hard shell tacos topped with iceberg and cheddar. But, you will find lamb barbacoa that has been smoked underground in banana leaves or carnitas topped with queso fresco, pickled onions and homemade salsa verde wrapped in a warm homemade corn tortilla that has been ever so lightly heated on a comal. And Puebla, just so happens to be considered by many, including Rick Bayless and Mark Bittman, as the gastronomic capital of Mexico.

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Fandango’s Flashback Friday — May 10th

The Unicorn Challenge

High and low he looked for the key
The one to open his destiny
At least that was they thought
After him being taught
All of his life
By his dad and dad’s wife
“Just find the key,
That’s all you need”
So Joe started looking
Not sure how to proceed
Was it in the attic or basement cold?
Or were they trying to keep him sold
On the fact his inheritance was hidden
Or were they making it forbidden?
They had married on a whim
Never ever consulting him
Joe thought again about his fate
Why had they told of the money so late
He wondered true
That he’d been a fool
For the key he was sent
For money already spent.
Joe watched as they sailed goodbye
Then turned to a locksmith who worked on the sly
Half of the fortune he might have shared
Lay dormant in his safe, undeclared.


The Unicorn Challenge-10/05/24