SoCS 6-29-24


First of all, let’s talk about chicken. What is up with chicken and waffles? I like chicken, I like waffles but putting them together just gives me a chill. And eggs, I like eggs. I like them boiled, fried, poached or scrambled, but I don’t eat them much anymore. I only buy a pack of six and I usually end up throwing a couple away by the end of the month. I always think when I purchase them that I might need them to bake some thing like banana bread. I do take a couple and make egg salad and sometimes I even poach a couple. It just depends on if I have bread – that’s another thing I’m trying not to eat a lot of. I’m trying to eat mostly fruits and vegetables and using proteins such as beans, certain cheeses, fish, and sometimes chicken. Anybody else trying this?

And food items are expensive and if you live on a fixed income which I do, you’re picky with what you buy. I don’t like ordering groceries online because you never know who’s going to shop for those and what they’re going to pick out. Especially fruit that looks good on the outside and on the inside it’s dry, and tasteless. This wasn’t meant to be a rant of any kind or a complaint, I’m just stating facts in my own life. As to which came first, the chicken or the egg, I’ll let you figure that out. Have a nice weekend.


The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS June 29, 2024

14 thoughts on “SoCS 6-29-24

  1. I do most of our shopping, and I see the store shoppers filling the orders. I’m not a very good judge of what’s what when it comes to fruit and veggies, but those guys don’t even look. They just pick one off the pile. I think you have every right to rant.

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