Fandango’s Flashback Friday

I said last year when I reached the ripe old age – why doesn’t that seem like a complimentary remark? – of 70, that it would be my last time celebrating my birthday. The only significance the number holds is that my mom died at seventy which is way too young. She had a heart condition for years and finally succumbed to a massive attack on July 31, 1976.

I was always afraid my own heart might give out so exercised, ate well, and tried to stay healthy. My heart is perfectly healthy. I never gave a thought to my impending cancer bouts.

1976 is also significant not only because of the USA’s 200th birthday, but because I turned thirty. We had visited my folks in June that year but I had no idea mom was in such bad health. I flew from Denver to NE and did get a few hours with her before she died. I’ll never forget any of the details of arrangements, sorrowful visits from well wishers, etc. I remained strong for my father’s sake and cried myself to sleep when I was alone at night.

So short story long, yes, it’s my birthday this month and yes I plan on surviving a lot longer than my mom. What a pita, losing your mom! I miss her so.


Fandango’s Flashback Friday — June 28th

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