Yup, it’s a Hole!

Joe and Mike looked into the deep hole below where a mysterious excavation had taken place. “Wow, it sure is deep!” Mike’s comments always held a bit of folly which did not vary. He absentmindedly offered the bag of cake donuts to Joe. Joe said, “no thanks, Mike, those are tough by now, and the only good thing that bakery makes is pumpernickel bread.” Mike sighed and continued to fish into the bag for stale donuts offered free as “day old delights”. Neither old man seemed unduly concerned there was a huge hole across from their homes. It was an old neighborhood and hardly anyone grew excited by the sudden appearance of something new. There had been many changes since WWII.




https://pensitivity101.wordpress.com/2024/06/22/three-things-challenge-m733/Your three words today are: BAG BREAD CAKE


FOWC with Fandango — Vary



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