Friday Fictioneers


Sue started to panic, struggling, trying to move her arms but they seemed glued to her sides. Then thinking she could kick her way free, she tried moving her foot. No luck there either—she was surrounded in some sort of cocoon-like thing. The strong threads of the cocoon were shiny and looked like wet nylon string. She felt some moisture from them, but it was the occasional large, slimy drop landing on her head that caused her to look up. Only able to move her head a bit, Sue rolled her eyes up to see an enormous spider’s dripping maw.

100 words

26 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers

    1. I remember as a kid having any bug land on me as terrifying. My cousin Susie, 4.5 years older than me cultivated my fear because she found it amusing to hear me scream 😦

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