dVerse Poets Haibun Monday

Let’s join in the celebration of the year’s first Solstice. Write a haibun that alludes to either the Summer or Winter Solstice.

New to haibun? The form consists of one to a few paragraphs of prose—usually written in the present tense—that evoke an experience and are often non-fictional/autobiographical. They may be preceded or followed by one or more haiku—nature-based, using a seasonal image—that complement without directly repeating what the prose stated.


Here in Cheyenne we get short bursts of hard rain, and if cooled enough, hail. We take what we can get, however, because any moisture is welcomed. Lovely bright sunsets usually follow to appease our senses.

skies darken

soft thunder threatens

rain drops pelt

bright sunlight

fades to trichrome hues

night’s reward


Haibun Monday 6-17-24: Solstice

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