dVerse Poets

If you are new to dVerse, please write a poem on the topic above and link back your post to this post. Also, leave a link of your post at Mr. Linky, where other poets can find it and read. Do take time to read other poems you find at Mr. Linky, it is always an enriching experience to read what others have written. Please remember Mr. Linky will close at 2.00 pm Thursday.


rolling wheels humming

children peer through smudged windows

side swaying movement

no clear destination need

enjoyment in lazy ride


Poetics: Travelling by train

21 thoughts on “dVerse Poets

  1. Spot on!!! When my three sons were small, we would take the train from St. Louis to Chicago to visit their cousins, my sister! The windows, the rocking of our car, you brought back those sweet memories.

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