MLMM Saturday Mix

Gary pushed “send” on the email and hoped for the best…he had already sent his photo, doctored as it was, to Stacey two days ago. Gary wanted to make a connection—it had been a while since he had a date and was anxious to hear from the girl he texted with his photo. Stacey replied to the text with a hi and smiling emoji. The next step he thought was sending an email with an invitation to coffee at a nearby shop. Online meets were always a gamble when you met face to face, but Gary thought he would be okay. Sitting at a table by himself with a clear view of the door, Gary was getting nervous. A few young women came in as a group and Gary noticed one of them looking at him intently. She came over to his table. Gary didn’t recognize her, but she asked, “Are you Gary?”

He said “yes, are you Stacey?” Then they both started laughing, realizing fudging your photo online was probably the norm. Stacey sat down at his table and they started a real conversation.


Story Starter – Saturday Mix, 15 June 2024

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