3TC – Insomnia

Your three words today are:

Settling down for a good night’s sleep

No trails to follow or promises to keep

Just me and my bed, comfy at best

My tired body needed its rest

Then it began, the stabbing and aching

Restless legs and the toll they’re taking

It started as a cry, a plea in a sob

No medications seem to do the job

I get up and try a cold drink

Pause by the mirror over the sink

That’s when I notice my looks so frail

Seeing the truth I nearly started to wail

Hamlet had his own plaguing fight

No sleep without dread every night.


Three Things Challenge #M726

7 thoughts on “3TC – Insomnia

  1. As a fisherperson perhaps my own insomnia is due to guilt over all those beautiful sea creatures upon whom I have inflicted such pain ….

    I’d be be whaling
    If not for the fish that I caught
    Such dark piscatorial thought
    I’d be lying, denying
    The things I have seen
    DeCRYING the sight
    Of what I’ve always been
    Such a SOBerig thought
    I could sob, cry and wail
    But such things count for nought
    When the boat’s under sail

    Liked by 1 person

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