Friday Fictioneers

Meeting Jim at midnight again, he always wanted the privacy of the hour. It wasn’t his fault, or anyone’s really, but his appearance made him shy in public. Jim and I were friends since high school and I would never abandon him as other classmates had. His parents passed away, but they were never supportive and didn’t help Jim assimilate. Entering the walkway tonight, my senses alert, I did not see Jim right away. We met here many times and there was never anyone else around, but I was still cautious. Then a smiling Jim approached, and all was well.


100 words

14 June 2024

20 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers

  1. You’ve really got my curiosity going on what sets Jim apart from others. My mind goes to werewolf but I’m probably way off 🙂

    I also like how the MC stands by him, regardless of all else.

    I enjoyed your story, Cheryl. Glad to see you at FF.

    Liked by 1 person

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