SoCS July 4, 2020

Toss the idea of sleep, fireworks abound. Much louder and more prevalent tonight and days on will continue. This will be the first year not setting up at the park with blankets and soccer balls waiting for the city display. No matter how cool the kids get as they grow, including me, the oohs and aahs do not cease😃.

Friday, the 3rd would have been my 54th wedding anniversary, so I’ll try to enjoy the 4th, still remembering watching fireworks over Lake Champlain on our honeymoon.

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS July 4/2020

5 thoughts on “SoCS July 4, 2020

  1. I’m sitting here watching my dog have a nervous breakdown since every human in a five mile radius seems to have decided shooting off fireworks is their life’s mission today. Ugh.

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