Fandango’s Flashback Friday

Sprinkle of Balderdash 6-1-2018

How appropriate prompts are sometimes. The example of a sprinkling of balderdash fits today’s events perfectly. I was just sitting here minding my own business when I was interrupted with a text from my credit card company. They said they were warning me about a debit today and would I confirm a certain purchase made today. TODAY? I haven’t used that card since April 27 to see “Infinity Wars”!

They gave me a number to call in the text, but me being the suspicious, been burned a few times already person that I am, just texted back No. Got out my cc statement and called that number in case the text was fraudulent. Turns out it was used and the text was a valid warning which I appreciated. After our conversation found out the card had been used about ten times since I had hidden it away on the 27th of April. How could this happen I queried, since it never left my possession? Then I learned about mobile apps. OMG! Now what? Another plague on society, mobile apps. At least that’s my opinion. Because anyone who sees your cc number can set up a mobile app using it?

This isn’t just a sprinkling of balderdash, it’s the whole enchilada! So here’s the thing, I use a cc for convenience since I don’t drive and basically don’t go anywhere so never have ready cash. On the rare occasion I’m out, I use a card. I don’t use ATMs because they charge a fee to get your own money out of the bank, another plague. Many places don’t take a cc so it is inconvenient, but I don’t shop! I get groceries once a month, period. Okay I’m done for now. The cc person said they’re sending me a new card. I said no hurry, I have no intention of using it, I’m paying it off!

2 thoughts on “Fandango’s Flashback Friday

  1. My visa debit card was hacked last year, what a flippin nightmare it was having to take it off of all the sites I had it on to have a new one added, I was livid when it happened, but thankfully they got no money from me! X

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