Prompt for #SoCS Mar. 4/17-Project

Projecting yourself into a project takes determination, strength, perseverance, and talent.  Whether it be writing, painting, learning something new, or completing a recipe with a delicious result.  It takes work.  The important thing is to start and finish.  I’m not especially good at the finish part.  I have projects I started, got discouraged, or bored, and left them unfinished.  However, I’ve also completed some important ones with great success.  The best thing about all of it was I wasn’t afraid to try.

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Mar. 4/17

5 thoughts on “Prompt for #SoCS Mar. 4/17-Project

  1. I like your perspective. Life itself is a project though we hate to see it that way because the word just sucks the fun out of things.

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