dVerse Poets Prosery



The night was chilled and grandma’s goosedown quilt didn’t seem to be enough to keep Charlie’s mind from imagining the worst. These feelings were probably generated from the popcorn and cola he had consumed too close to bedtime, but eerie noises seemed to be coming from the wall. He called out to his grandma.

Charlie’s grandma came into the room to comfort him, saying, “there is nothing behind the wall except a space where the wind whistles”.

Charlie thought about it for a minute and asked his grandma, “what’s in the space? Is it a ghost or maybe a cat?”

Grandma smiled and told Charlie, “There’s nothing. Just an empty space between two walls where the wind likes to play. You know how you like to play and run in the wind? Well, the wind likes to play, too.”


Of Houses, Walls, and Whistling Winds

26 thoughts on “dVerse Poets Prosery

  1. A great story Cheryl. I thought about going with a very similar story, but I just could not find my inspiration this evening for the prompt. You did a wonderful story. Great use of the prompt.

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  2. I’d definitely commend the grandmother on her sense of presence! 💝 She handled the child with the wild imagination well 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, I like this a lot. This would definitely be wise to say to a child with an over-active imagination (like I once was, hahaha). I can feel the peace at the end, that warmth that allays those fears. Excellent piece.

    Liked by 1 person

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