dVerse Poets – Happy Halloween

Apple bobbing was the delight of many a suitor in England. Which young maid would be the next to marry? Strong sharp teeth were not only admired, but necessary in this event.


Seek the largest fruit

Choose the ripest spot to clench

Dooking wins a man




25 thoughts on “dVerse Poets – Happy Halloween

  1. You peel an apple in a single strip, stand in the corner, swing the strip of peel round your head and throw it back over your shoulder. It should land in the shape of the initial of the person you’ll marry. Kitchen magic. Kim obviously knows a rhyme that goes with it – but they are weird in Norfolk! πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Apple bobbing was the only Halloween activity we took part in when I was a child – and that was at Brownies. My parents would not have let us ask for sweets from strangers, that was the one big thing we were warned about. I love your bite-sized haibun, Cheryl, short and apple sweet, and β€˜Dooking wins a man’! I’m an ‘apple peel, apple peel, tell me true’ kind of girl, too.

    Liked by 1 person

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