JusJoJan 8 – Pants

I was just having this discussion with my nineteen year old granddaughter this afternoon. I was saying older women should be able to wear whatever they want. She was wearing sweats, home from college, when I was asking her about her daily schedule. She said she was just chilling, wearing that. She is tall and beautiful, looks good in anything. We remarked about women wearing pants, trousers for those of you across the pond. I said why should any woman wear those huge polyester baggie pants at any age? I wear leggings because they don’t get caught in my wheelchair wheels, any print I like. If you can’t wear what you want at 70, when can you?

This I what I’m talking about:  (from “Torrid” catalog)

#JusJoJan 2018, the 8th – Pants

11 thoughts on “JusJoJan 8 – Pants

    1. I loved your post on pants. I think that bell bottoms were the worst, but the hanging crotch even worn today is like you said, just wrong. But to ea c h his own, right?

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