Sunday Photo Fiction – Balance

There they sit, resting after all the practices of the day. Not one broken, not even a chip or slight crack. I’m getting good at this! I’ve always wanted to perfect my act for the circus and now I think I’m on my way with this one. You might see a plate spinner or two but using teacups and their saucers together requires extra feats of dexterity.  I’m just lucky I have those capabilities, and should, considering I am a third generation performer. Okay ladies, rest time is done, more practice awaits! It’s time to prove me right.

9 thoughts on “Sunday Photo Fiction – Balance

  1. Ahahah. I saw those unbroken cups and plates and I thought, ‘there they sit, resting after all the practices of the day. Not one broken, not even a chip or a crack. Mocking me in their pristine condition. I’m getting terrible as an archer!’

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