Tell Me Something Good:  For Cyranny – tin foil hat

I tried to make a cowboy hat, but my time was running out.  I had to clean this morning before the fun stuff.  Let’s see, my wifi was out, I broke a nail, the dryer buzzer kept going off, and the phone doesn’t ring but takes voicemail.  I didn’t have coffee until eleven, had to buy a birthday present on Amazon……I guess I’ve run out of excuses!  Have fun!  Order of the day….that is AFTER the cleaning and laundry. 🙄😂💓

24 thoughts on “Tell Me Something Good:  For Cyranny – tin foil hat

  1. I love your cowboy hat!! Thank you for joining the Tin Foil Club!! Would you be surprised if I said I aaaaaalmost dared you personally when I published my post yesterday?? LOL

    Now, minus one mind to steal from, again… I hope people will think this is silly and leave me free to pick their thoughts when I need inspiration!! Mouahahahahahaha

    Love you, Bag Lady, thanks again for hopping on my insane-train 😉

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    1. Ooops, I’ll check that up… I haven’t read much from anybody the last couple of days, because of work… but I’ll catch up and hopefully catch your drift 😉 hahahahahaha

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  2. at least Cyranny isn’t able to read your thoughts now…I am still working on crown number two. It must BE a crown (and not a hat) as I am after all the queen of suziland!

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    1. Crown 2.0!! Crown 2.0!! We want to see it 🙂 🙂 🙂 If I have to live without a free passage to your mind, at least you should fight my super power with all the style you can have 🙂 🙂

      Waiting impatiently to see all the upcoming bling bling 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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